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1月1日最新源码编译的openwrt x86固件无法驱动绿联2.5G usb网卡(rtl8156)和比亚兹2.5G usb网卡(8156b),具体表现为lsusb可以看到设备,但是没有生成eth设备。Bus 001 Device 002: ...
还有 1 人发表了评论 加入8824人围观1月1日最新源码编译的openwrt x86固件无法驱动绿联2.5G usb网卡(rtl8156)和比亚兹2.5G usb网卡(8156b),具体表现为lsusb可以看到设备,但是没有生成eth设备。Bus 001 Device 002: ...
还有 1 人发表了评论 加入8824人围观Upgrade Requirement:
Recommended - HPE recommends users update to this version at their earliest convenience.
Patch bundle version 2023.03.00.01 is an update over March 2023 Gen10/Gen10 Plus SPP version 2023.03.00.00 release including ROM updates
HPE Integrated Lights-Out 5 iLO5 2.91固件更新
ersion: 2.91 (24 May 2023)
Upgrade Requirement:
Optional - Users should update to this version if their system is affected by one of the documented fixes or if there is a desire to utilize any of the enhanced functionality provided by this version.