USB Network Native Driver for ESXi | VMware Flings
Step 1 - Download the ZIP file for the specific version of your ESXi host and upload to ESXi host using SCP or Datastore Browser
Step 2 - Place the ESXi host into Maintenance Mode using the vSphere UI or CLI (e.g. esxcli system maintenanceMode set -e true)
Step 3 - Install the ESXi Offline Bundle (6.5/6.7) or Component (7.0)
For (7.0+) - Run the following command on ESXi Shell to install ESXi Component:
esxcli software component apply -d /path/to/the component zip
For (6.5/6.7) - Run the following command on ESXi Shell to install ESXi Offline Bundle:
esxcli software vib install -d /path/to/the offline bundle zip
Step 4 - Plug-in the USB NIC and reboot for the change to go into effect. Once the host has rebooted, ESXi should automatically pickup and claim the USB NIC (e.g. vusb0)