HPE InfiniBand QDR/Ethernet 10Gb 2-port 544+FLR-QSFP Adapter
ConnectX3 Pro 芯片, 10Gb QSFP接口的网卡,价格不到100,但要买的线比SFP的要贵
在HPE 网站上下载的exe 解压后只有bin文件, 要去nvidia 网站下载WinMFT_x64 工具 ,再通过命令行方式进行固件升级。
Version: 2.42.5700-Flex-3.4.754 (13 May 2020)
New features and changes in firmware version 2.42.5700.
Modified the mlx_cmd_get_mlx_link_status command return value to return ;Link Type = Ethernet; in Ethernet adapter cards.
FlexBoot Changes and New Features in Rev 3.4.754:
Enabled the Client Identifier for the following Option Part Numbers:
Upgrade Requirement:
Optional - Users should update to this version if their system is affected by one of the documented fixes or if there is a desire to utilize any of the enhanced functionality provided by this version.
This firmware has been thoroughly tested and is officially supported for use in High Performance Computing clusters, but it has not been through the extra level of test scenarios required for including in the HPE Service Pack for ProLiant (SPP).
HPE recommends that the latest HPE Mellanox Online Firmware Upgrade Utility available with HPE Service Pack for ProLiant (SPP) to be used for conservative customer environments not specifically requiring the fixes or enhancements found in HPE firmware version 2.42.5700-Flex-3.4.754.
The following issues are resolved in version 2.42.5700:
An issue that occasionally resulted in Vital Product Data (VPD) reading timeout.
Download ;fw-ConnectX3Pro-rel-2_42_5700-764285-B21_Ax-CLP-8025-UEFI-14.11.49-FlexBoot-3.4.754_windows.exe; to local folder on a system running a supported Microsoft Windows operating system.
Use Microsoft Windows CRC/SHA tool to calculate the SHA256 hash value for ;fw-ConnectX3Pro-rel-2_42_5700-764285-B21_Ax-CLP-8025-UEFI-14.11.49-FlexBoot-3.4.754_windows.exe;.
Compare the above CRC/SHA tool calculated value with the SHA256 checksum value b1b2ea515718c4feb694f006ff3a99bf74f41e5591f095ee39e4399136746fc5 for the self extracting exe file fw-ConnectX3Pro-rel-2_42_5700-764285-B21_Ax-CLP-8025-UEFI-14.11.49-FlexBoot-3.4.754_windows.exe
If the values match, then the integrity of the downloaded file has been verified.
• If the values do not match, do not deploy the file or its contents.
• Download the file a second time and compare the new hash value.
• If the hash values do not match, then do not deploy the downloaded file and contact HPE Technical Support.
To verify the HPE SHA256 Authenticode digital signature do the following steps:
Download fw-ConnectX3Pro-rel-2_42_5700-764285-B21_Ax-CLP-8025-UEFI-14.11.49-FlexBoot-3.4.754_windows.exe to a system running a supported version of Microsoft Windows Server OS
Right-click the filename then select Properties
When the Properties window displays, click the Digital Signature tab
Select the first entry in the Signature List and click the Details button.
The signature status will display at the top of the Details dialog.
• If the signature message states that “This digital signature is OK.”, then the firmware package is authenticated as an HPE package
• If the message “This digital signature is not OK.” displays, then do the following:
• Do not deploy the firmware.
• Download firmware a second time and verify the signature again. If the signature is not OK, then contact HPE Technical Support.
Steps to be followed for firmware upgrade:
Install HCA card in supported HPE ProLiant Rackmount Server.
Install Mellanox WinOF 5.35 or later.
Download the file fw-ConnectX3Pro-rel-2_42_5700-764285-B21_Ax-CLP-8025-UEFI-14.11.49-FlexBoot-3.4.754_windows.exe and extract the files.
Install Mellanox Firmware Tools version 4.14.0 or later for Windows.
Use mst and flint commands to Query the HCA Card.
Validate that the query reports HCA card has PSID = HP_1380110017
Use flint to upgrade the HCA card firmware.
Reboot the server.
Verify that the card is running new firmware.
Worked example:
Open a CMD console (click Start->Run and enter ‘cmd') and enter the following command:
#mst status
Run command ;mlxvpd.exe -d ‘BUS ID of Mellanox adapter’ ; and check the details to obtain the Part Number, Serial Number etc.
NOTE: Please navigate to the path C:Program filesMellanoxWinMFT to execute the below command.
# mlxvpd.exe -d mt4103_pci_cr0
----------------------- ------------ --------
Read Only Section:
PN Part Number 764285-B21
EC Revision B2
SN Serial Number CN8949823400
V0 Misc Info PCIe FDR x16 25w
V2 N/A 5731
V4 N/A 98F283CC8054
V5 N/A B2
VB N/A HPE Connectx-3Pro PCIe
V1 N/A
V2 N/A N/A
V3 N/A
R3 Chechsum Complement 0x30
IDTAG Board ID HPE InfiniBand FDR/Ethernet 10Gb/40Gb 2-port 544+FLR-QSFP Adapter
Ensure that the Adapter Part Number matches with the Part Number string in the firmware filename: ;fw-ConnectX3Pro-rel-2_42_5700-764285-B21_Ax-CLP-8025-UEFI-14.11.49-FlexBoot-3.4.754.bin;
# flint -d mt4103_pci_cr0 q
Image type: FS2
FW Version: 2.42.5056
FW Release Date: 28.10.2019
Product Version:
Rom Info: version_id=8025 type=CLP
type=UEFI version=14.11.49 cpu=AMD64
type=PXE version=3.4.754
Device ID: 4103
Description: Node Port1 Port2 Sys image
GUIDs: 24be05ffffbf5d40 24be05ffffbf5d41 24be05ffffbf5d42 24be05ffffbf5d43
MACs: 24be05bf5d41 24be05bf5d42
PSID: HP_1380110017
Note: Verify that the HCA card reports a PSID of HP_1380110017.
Unpack the firmware file from fw-ConnectX3Pro-rel-2_42_5700-764285-B21_Ax-CLP-8025-UEFI-14.11.49-FlexBoot-3.4.754_windows.exe to a directory by double clicking the exe.
Copy across the firmware file for the ConnectX-3 HCA card and upgrade as shown below:
(fw-ConnectX3Pro-rel-2_42_5700-764285-B21_Ax-CLP-8025-UEFI-14.11.49-FlexBoot-3.4.754.bin is in C:Temp directory for this example).
# flint -d mt4103_pci_cr0 -i C:Tempfw-ConnectX3Pro-rel-2_42_5700-764285-B21_Ax-CLP-8025-UEFI-14.11.49-FlexBoot-3.4.754.bin burn
Current FW version on flash: 2.42.5056
New FW version: 2.42.5700
Do you want to continue ? (y/n) [n] : y
Burning FS2 FW image without signatures - OK
Restoring signature - OK
Important:Reboot the server for the firmware update to take effect.
After the server reboots, verify the firmware image by quering the card.
# flint -d mt4103_pci_cr0 q
Image type: FS2
FW Version: 2.42.5700
FW Release Date: 8.4.2020
Product Version:
Rom Info: version_id=8025 type=CLP
type=UEFI version=14.11.49 cpu=AMD64
type=PXE version=3.4.754
Device ID: 4103
Description: Node Port1 Port2 Sys image
GUIDs: 0002c9000100d050 0002c9000100d051 0002c9000100d052 0002c9000100d050
MACs: 0002c9000001 0002c9000002
VSD: n/a
PSID: HP_1380110017