Model:Dell PowerConnect 2824 Function:8K MAC addressesVLAN-aware MAC-based Switching in Managed and Secure ModesIn Managed or Secure mode, the switch system always performs VLAN-aware bridging. Classic bridging(IEEE802.1D) is not performed (wher
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by Minirplus on 2015-08-09 in Thinking这个问题自打把有线通更换成IPTV就一直被困扰,期间尝试了几次,都没有办法在光猫桥接路由器拨号的情况下使用IPTV,后来因为换了个互联网电视,需要连接网线,就在电视旁边用了一个路由器设为交换机模式分别接小红和电视,发现不行,换成交换机发现可以。后来经过不断的尝试和查资料才渐渐的明白原来上海电信的IPTV是在内部分割了三条逻辑线路,分别用于直播、回看和上网,而对应的VLAN dhcptest is a simple DHCP client.
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