网络技术 Link Aggregation(链路聚合) - 基础介绍 lixiaoyao 发表于2021-02-19 浏览2390 评论0 Link Aggregation(链路聚合)转载请在文首保留原文出处:EMC中文支持论坛 -介绍 在过去的10年里,以太网线速(Line Rate)的发展从10Mb/s -> 100Mb/s -> 1Gb/s -> 10Gb/s(40GE和100GE也已出现),而然有的时候single 10GE link依然无法满足VLAN Trunk或
网络技术 戴尔Dell switch 2824 交换机 升级 lixiaoyao 发表于2021-02-19 浏览2167 评论0 Model:Dell PowerConnect 2824 Function:8K MAC addressesVLAN-aware MAC-based Switching in Managed and Secure ModesIn Managed or Secure mode, the switch system always performs VLAN-aware bridging. Classic bridging(IEEE802.1D) is not performed (wher