
戴尔Dell switch 2824 交换机 升级

lixiaoyao lixiaoyao 发表于2021-02-19 13:50:48 浏览2179 评论0



  • Dell PowerConnect 2824



8K MAC addresses

VLAN-aware MAC-based Switching in Managed and Secure Modes
In Managed or Secure mode, the switch system always performs VLAN-aware bridging. Classic bridging
(IEEE802.1D) is not performed (where frames are forwarded based only on their destination MAC
address). However, a similar functionality may be configured for untagged frames. Addresses are
associated with ports by learning them from the incoming frames source address.

Short-Reach — Reduction of power over Ethernet cables shorter than 40m.

Port Mirroring

Storm Control

Port Based Virtual LANs (VLANs)

Link Aggregation

Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)

Class of Service (CoS) Features
- The switches support four queues per port.

Remote Monitoring

(RMON) is an extension to the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP),
which provides network traffic statistics.

enable managed mode:

按 "mode" pin hole on the front of the switch 大約 10 次左右 (又或者是 2s 一次)

之後 Switch 會 reboot 入 managed mode (2s 一下的不會 reboot)

managed mode LED lights 之後會長亮




  • Green Flashing
    Indicates diagnostics in progress,  firmware loading, or Management Mode transition.

  • Green Solid
    Indicates the switch is in Managed Mode.

  • Amber Solid
    Diagnostics has failed.

  • Amber Flashing
    No valid image.

  • Off
    Indicates Unmanaged mode or Secure mode.


web panel:
Default  Login
Password=admin | no password



Secure Mode


This mode keeps the existing configuration active, but it prevents users from making
configuration changes by removing the IP address of the device
 so that it becomes inaccessible for



Hold the button for 30 seconds, the switch will reboot.

Hold button (2s)  set it to "unmanaged mode".

Hold button reboot it

(即是在 unmananaged mode 內長按之後待它 reboot)

go to link

    no click on "Restore Saved Configuration"

    Apply Changes

After reboot, the switch will in "managed mode"




* System -> System -> Advanced Settings -> General Settings     

* Jumbo Frames

Switch -> Address Tables -> Dynamic Address Table    

* Spanning Tree -> Global Settings

* Default: ON

* VLAN Membership    

* VLAN Port Settings





# check version:

Home -> System -> Versions -> Versions

* Boot PROM Name (powerconnect_28xx_boot-10013.rfb)
* Firmware Image Name (powerconnect_28xx-10045.ros)

    Software Version     
      Boot Version     
      Hardware Version     00.00.02
# check uptime & Service Tag & Serial No
# Set Time
Home -> System -> Versions -> Asset




using the Service Tag download the latest Firmware for the switch / or the Boot Update.


By TFTP Software

console> enable

console# config

config# interface vlan 1
console(config-if)# ip address /24
console(config-if)# exit

config(config)# exit
config# exit

console# copy tftp:// image
console#copy tftp://{tftp address}/{file name} boot

console# reload


Home -> File Management
- File Download
- File Upload

* The boot software is copied but does not become active until the switch is reset.

