
Cisco 1815i ME固件没有LED灯管理功能 CLI模式关闭方法

lixiaoyao lixiaoyao 发表于2020-05-07 08:52:31 浏览2886 评论0


Cisco 1815i ME固件没有LED灯管理功能 CLI模式关闭方法

ssh 连接到 1815 ME的控制器 IP地址

(Cisco Controller) >config ap led-state
disable        Disables the LED-State for an AP
enable         Enables the LED-State for an AP
flash          Configure the LED-flash for an AP

config ap led-state disable all  可以对该me下所有AP的led灯 关闭

需要固件可以去闲鱼app 搜索

Configuring the  LED State for Access Point in a Network Globally (CLI)

Set the LED state for all access points associated with a controller by entering this command:

config ap led-state {enable | disable} all
