
DIY: Installing Power Folding Mirrors with Autodimming feature

lixiaoyao lixiaoyao 发表于2016-06-05 19:28:05 浏览2705 评论0


宝马 折叠后视镜  

i just did this retrofit and am having problems with the auto dimming side mirrors not dimming. my rearview mirror dims fine but the side mirrors does not dim at all

安装完成后, 添加 VO 430,431 , coded the 2JBBF, CAS, FZD, NFRM,

 can i check if you coded the whole car or just the CAS and FRM modules? I've  added $430 and $431 to the VO and coded the CAS and FRM. looking at the FSW_PSW.trc files the various spiegel values are already set to aktiv including the SPIEGEL_ELEKTROCHROM.

appreciate any help on this.

update: managed to solve my own problem. coded the 2JBBF, CAS, FZD, NFRM once using expert profile in NCS. then used revtor's profile in NCS to reset the FZD and NFRM. Not sure which step did the trick, most probably the resets did it.
