
hpe gen8 gen9服务器 ilo4 升级 2.78

lixiaoyao lixiaoyao 发表于2021-05-23 11:49:10 浏览2705 评论0


** CRITICAL ** Online ROM Flash Component for Windows x64 - HPE Integrated Lights-Out 4


-  Updated Jquery library to 3.5.1
 -  Updated Openssl library to OpenSSL 1.0.2x
 -  eRS enhanced to support generic service event 1000 for critical events


Install the firmware using one of these options:

  • Run the Component on the host to be updated.
    The component will update the iLO 4 firmware and reset the iLO 4 processor.

  • Extract the firmware from the component.  This will place the firmware image file, iLO4_yyy.bin (where yyy represents the firmware version) in the target directory.  You now have these options:

    • Login to iLO 4, navigate to the Update Firmware page, and update the firmware from there.

    • Use the HPE Lights-Out Configuration Utility, CPQLOCFG, and RIBCL/XML scripts to update iLO 4 across the network.

    • Use the HPE Online Lights-Out Configuration utility, HPONCFG, and RIBCL/XML scripts to update iLO 4 from the supported host OS.

    • Use the Directory Migration Utility, contained in the HPE Directories support for Management Processors,  The Windows utility supports network discovery of lights-out processors, import/export, as well as bulk firmware update, and does not require directory migration.
