新购买的HP 5G、2.5G、1G 有线网卡,接 usb的2.5G 网卡可以协商2.5G的速率。 去官网下载驱动的时候,看到有新的固件升级工具,顺便升级一下。
No Name Firmware Update status Device MAC address
1 Aquantia AQtion 5Gbit Network Adapter 3.1.118 Not required D108-00011D6A 00:17:B6:
Interactive mode:
1) Unzip archive with tool to your hard drive
2) Open Command line(CMD) and change working directory to extracted folder
3) Execute "atlflashupdate" at this command line window
4) Enter number of chosen card and press Enter
AtlFlashUpdate Tool
AtlFlashUpdate is a tool for updating firmware on AQC100, AQC108, AQC107, AQN100, AQN108, and AQN107
System Requirements
Windows 10 64-bit
Windows 10 32-bit
实际 直连 2.5G usb3.0 网卡,传输