Component installation instructions
Place component in a temporary directory on a hard drive. Download cp045256.exe to a temporary directory on a system running a supported version of Microsoft Windows Server OS. By downloading this file, you are agreeing to the license terms in HPE License Agreement v1.pdf.
Verify the SHA256 hash and Authenticode digital signature (instructions are provided below)
Double-click the component filename to run the component.
In the component dialog box, click the Install button to update Secure Boot DBX on the server.
No reboot is required for the update to be effective.
dbxupdateHPKEK2013.bin This is the current DBX update for HPE systems signed with the HP 2013 KEK which was used in products previously dbxupdateHPEKEK2016.bin This is the current DBX update for HPE systems signed with the HPE 2016 KEK which is used in current products