I generally recommend all firmware on your servers should be up to date. Within the context of this article though the only firmware we need right now is the iLO firmware. For servers with iLO4 interfaces HPE recommends iLO firmware version 2.70 or above. For servers with iLO5 interfaces HPE recommends iLO firmware version 1.40 or above. iLO4 firmware versions do not work on iLO5 interfaces and vice versa. Open up your trusted web browser and go to https://support.hpe.com.
In the search box type in the model of server you have. I typed the full server model here as HPE ProLiant DL380p Gen8 Server since that’s what I have in my lab.
If you’re specific enough you should see your exact server model appear at the top of the results. Click on the server model link and it should take you to the Drivers & Firmware section.
Now this is where it could get confusing. There are several different iLO Firmware packages and there are many different ways to upgrade the iLO firmware. I’m showing you what I think is by far the simplest way that doesn’t require outside components. With this method we can update the iLO firmware from within the iLO web interface. We want to use the Online ROM Flash Component for Windows x64 – HPE Integrated Lights-Out 4 in this case. Once you find the correct firmware update package of the latest available version click the Title.
On the firmware page you’ll notice it may not even list the OS or Hypervisor running on your server. That’s ok! We want the Windows x64 package because it contains the bin file we need to upgrade through the iLO web interface. Click Download to get the iLO firmware update package.
Once downloaded we need to double click the executable and then click the Extract button. Extract the firmware components into a folder.
Now that you’ve got everything extracted take a look at the components and find the .bin file. In this case ilo4_270.bin is the file we need. Note the folder location.
Next we’re going to open a browser and navigate to the iLO web interface and go ahead and login. Note the current Firmware Version displayed.
After you get logged into the iLO web interface check the System Health to make sure you don’t have any major issues to address. In my case the System Health shows degraded but it’s because I only have one power supply connected currently so I can move ahead. Look all the way at the bottom of the left hand menu and click Administration.
The Administration menu will expand and then click the Firmware option.
Here we can upgrade several different firmware components but again we’ll only be upgrading the iLO firmware. Towards the bottom in the middle click Choose File.
In the dialog select the .bin file we noted eariler and click Open then click the Upload button which will start the firmware update.
The dialog here tells us the iLO firmware update will cause iLO to reboot. No big deal since the server itself will remain online and available. Click OK to continue.
The next step breaks down into three small parts. First it uploads the firmware to iLO.
It checks the validity of the firmware update package.
Finally it flashes the iLO firmware.
When finished it will reboot the iLO and you will get kicked out of the iLO web interface.
Wait a few minutes and then refresh the web browser. The iLO login page should show up listing the new version like the below image.
So that’s it for upgrading the firmware. Now just rinse and repeat for all your compatible servers. This of course may take some additional time depending on the size of your environment.