
惠普hpe microserver gen10 plus iLO卡破解

lixiaoyao lixiaoyao 发表于2021-02-12 19:44:48 浏览6037 评论0



这两pin B31 B32是slot插拔的状态,短接就可以让Gen10 Plus设备以为这个iLo转用插槽 插卡了。gen10 plus 就可以用iLo5的模式在bios里面设置,切换为共享网卡的接口,就能看到iLo 有iP地址的信息,刚刚做了一个转接卡。

用hp flom网卡转接的那个 8x 卡pcb打磨为4x的长度,再烙铁焊一下 b31 b32 。


To use networked iLO in Microserver Gen10 Plus an additional NIC card is required (p/n P13788-B21). If you don't have this card shared port will be also disabled.

TL,DR: pin B31 of MS10plus iLO dedicated NIC slot is used for addon card detection. Pulling this pin low (to GND) enables iLO network functions. Of course, it's only possible to use shared port iLO (port 1 or port 2 of 1Gb LOM) if you don't have an addon card.

This method was tested with iLO 2.16 and System ROM 2.16. Future versions may improve PHY detection routines to disable this easy activation.

If you want to do this hardware modification you'll need to either solder a short wire between pins B31 and B32 of iLO dedicated slot on MS10 Plus's riser card (reliable and preferred way) or insert a jumper wire between these contacts. Any hardware modifications are risky and you only doing that at your own risk! Also I think your warranty will be void if you'll do any soldering to the riser board.

If you want to try this mod, I strongly advise to go with soldering method. Stray jumper wire may break, detach or fall off and short/damage/fire up your system board!!! Extreme care must be taken if you only want to insert a jumper but not to solder it.

Fully remove power before doing this mod. iLO must be reset after applying or removing the mod for changes to take effect.

To solder: remove the PCIe riser and unscrew riser's PCB from it's hardware. Solder a thin wire on the back of dedicated slot between B31 and B32. Assembly everything back. Any soldering will void your warranty!
