
Guide on How to VO Code an ECU. and for Import and Activation of FSC Code

lixiaoyao lixiaoyao 发表于2015-05-18 08:50:03 浏览2734 评论0


Well, that is the basic idea, but only the tip of the iceberg.

When you got your SAT Radio FSC Code, you should have received 3 files:

e.g.  xxxxxxx_006F0001.xml
e.g.  xxxxxxx_006F0001.der (FSC Code Certificate)
e.g.  xxxxxxx_006F0001.fsc  (FSC Code)

E-Sys => Options => Settings => FSC Tab => Certificate Field:

Load FSC Code Certificate (e.g.  xxxxxxx_006F0001.der)

E-Sys => Comfort Mode => FSC => FSC Field:

Load FSC Code (e.g.  xxxxxxx_006F0001.fsc.  The FSC Code file must first be Base 64 Decoded or else E-Sys can not read it.  (Use B64Dec for Decoding - http://4mhz.de/b64dec.html).

FA Field:  Select "Read FA" to use cars current VO.

Parameter Fields:  (Example for Sat Radio FSC Code and CIC):

Diagnostic Address (hex) = 63 (99 in Decimal for HU_CIC; I think the same for HU_NBT)
Application Number (dec) = 111 (6F in Hexidecimal - In FSC File Name, e.g  xxxxxxx_006F0001.fsc)
Base Variant = HU_CIC (CIC module name, e.g. HU_CIC, HU_NBT, etc.)
Upgrade Index = 1 (In FSC File Name, e.g  xxxxxxx_006F0001.fsc))

Select "Upgrade FSC" to Import and Activate FSC Code.

Select "Check FSC Status", and you should see:

AppID 111
UpgradeIndex 1
SWTType SWTclassic full
FSCStatus accepted
FSCCertStatus accepted
