
HP 1.92 U.2 SSD固态硬盘升级固件 VK001920KWWFN

lixiaoyao lixiaoyao 发表于2020-11-28 11:26:08 浏览2220 评论0


买了一个1.92T 的VK001920KWWFN固态替换原来的P4500 1T的游戏盘。

HPE 1.92TB NVMe x4 Lanes Read Intensive SFF SCN VK001920KWWFN SSD


新硬盘 SK盘体  固件是 惠普HPE的企业盘固件,  看了一下HPE官网,有新HPK2 的固件,但win x64的升级包在普通电脑 和 HPE服务器都提示升级失败。

只能下了另外一个esxi 版本的升级包,升级操作如下:

To update firmware from VMware ESXi operating system on target server:

  • Enable Tech Support Mode on the ESXi host. 切换esxi 7.0 为维护模式,打开ssh登录功能。 

  • Login as root. (You must be root in order to apply the update.)

  • Place the Smart Component zip file in a temporary directory.

  • Unzip the file CPxxxxxx.zip  下载的CP046278.zip 现在本地解压为目录, 再通过SSH的 SecureFx工具上传到esxi服务器的tmp目录内。

  • Ensure that CPxxxxxx.vmexe (ESXi 6.7 & Prior Versions)  and CPxxxxxx.vmexe64 (ESXi 7.0) is executable by using the command:

             chmod +x CPxxxxxx.vmexe    (or)    chmod +x CPxxxxxx.vmexe64

  • From the same directory, execute the Smart Component. For example: ./CPxxxxxx.vmexe  (or)  ./CPxxxxxx.vmexe64

  • Follow the directions given by the Smart Component.

  • Logout

  • Disable Tech Support Mode on the ESXi host.



