买了一个1.92T 的VK001920KWWFN固态替换原来的P4500 1T的游戏盘。
HPE 1.92TB NVMe x4 Lanes Read Intensive SFF SCN VK001920KWWFN SSD
新硬盘 SK盘体 固件是 惠普HPE的企业盘固件, 看了一下HPE官网,有新HPK2 的固件,但win x64的升级包在普通电脑 和 HPE服务器都提示升级失败。
只能下了另外一个esxi 版本的升级包,升级操作如下:
To update firmware from VMware ESXi operating system on target server:
Enable Tech Support Mode on the ESXi host. 切换esxi 7.0 为维护模式,打开ssh登录功能。
Login as root. (You must be root in order to apply the update.)
Place the Smart Component zip file in a temporary directory.
Unzip the file CPxxxxxx.zip 下载的CP046278.zip 现在本地解压为目录, 再通过SSH的 SecureFx工具上传到esxi服务器的tmp目录内。
Ensure that CPxxxxxx.vmexe (ESXi 6.7 & Prior Versions) and CPxxxxxx.vmexe64 (ESXi 7.0) is executable by using the command:
chmod +x CPxxxxxx.vmexe (or) chmod +x CPxxxxxx.vmexe64
From the same directory, execute the Smart Component. For example: ./CPxxxxxx.vmexe (or) ./CPxxxxxx.vmexe64
Follow the directions given by the Smart Component.
Disable Tech Support Mode on the ESXi host.