网络技术 Top 20 Essential ESXCLI Commands You Need to Know lixiaoyao 发表于2020-12-01 浏览2309 评论0 If command lines are your bread and butter, you probably already know about esxcli commands and how they are used to perform management and configuration tasks on ESXi. If on the other hand, this is all new to you, this post will hopefully
计算机硬件 HPE Gen9 server UEFI BIOS下升级BIOS 阵列卡 HBA卡固件的操作方法 lixiaoyao 发表于2020-12-01 浏览2457 评论0 HPE ProLiant Gen9服务器可以在UEFI BIOS中对BIOS、阵列卡、网卡和光纤卡进行固件的升级或降级操作,适用于用户设备允许重启情况下、而且用户不想要在系统下或者不愿下载spp盘的时候,此操作快速方便。无一、开机按F9进入BIOS中,选择embedded application/firmware updates,确认到可以升级的固件有BIOS、阵列卡、网卡、HBA卡。二、查看当前各个固件版本:开机按F9进入BIOS中,选择system information/firmware